Pedal Commander

غزو ​​الطرق بأناقة
اجعل سيارة كاديلاك الخاصة بك مثالية مع Pedal Commander

احصل على أقصى استفادة من سيارتك كاديلاك من خلال قطعة الأداء التي تستحق مكانتها المتميزة، Pedal Commander! إنها الترقية الأكثر فعالية لمالكي كاديلاك الذين يريدون استجابة أفضل لدواسة الوقود!

world's greatest throttle response controller image
pedal commander device image
pedal commander device and weels image

ستعمل سيارة كاديلاك الخاصة بك بشكل جيد مثل مظهرها مع Pedal Commander

Cadillac is one of the most important marques in American automotive history. The brand stands for high-level craftsmanship, luxury, performance, and comfort. Cadillac has a strong lineup, as all their cars have breathtaking exterior designs, comfortable and posh interiors, and potent engines. Whether you have a sedan, a wagon, or a high-performance coupe, your Cadillac is ready to make every trip memorable. Continue reading because you can make your Cadillac even more special with a simple upgrade.

Your Cadillac might have a potent engine, but that doesn't mean it can take full advantage of a throttle response controller because there are some bottlenecks in the throttle system. Modern cars have a drive-by-wire system to control the throttle electronically, which introduces lag. The Pedal Commander throttle response controller is the safest way of removing that lag as it won't void your warranty. It gives you instant access to the engine's power. It offers four modes that you can customize to your taste. Once you install it, you'll be able to select from four driving modes and customize them to your liking with 36 settings! Don't just take our word for it; watch this video to see how our customers react to the best throttle response controller and see it with your own eyes! If you are interested, scroll down below and select your Cadillac to learn more.