Pedal Commander

مضاعفة المتعة

احصل على أقصى استفادة من مركبتك Can-Am ذات الجانب إلى الجانب أو مركبة ATV من خلال ترقية أداء رائعة. Pedal Commander هو الجزء الوحيد الذي ستحتاجه من السوق الثانوية لتحسين أدائك على الطرق الوعرة!

world's greatest throttle response controller image
pedal commander device image
pedal commander device and weels image

ستشكرك سيارتك Can-Am على اختيار Pedal Commander

Can-Am is a legendary manufacturer that specializes in off-road monsters. When you talk about an ATV or a UTV, a.k.a. a side-by-side, Can-Am is the centerpiece of the conversation, and that’s for a good reason. They make the best vehicles when you want to go off the beaten path! However, there’s a way to improve their performance with a simple performance mod. Just keep reading!

The Pedal Commander throttle response controller is one of the most popular performance mods among Can-Am owners. Most of our customers swore by it, and it is easy to see why. It is easy to install and improves your vehicle as soon as you install it. It will allow you to customize the throttle response for faster acceleration or a smoother response for better control on grueling terrain with the push of a button! Scroll down and select your Can-Am to learn how it can help you! Not convinced yet? Watch this video and see how Can-Am owners react to the instant upgrade!