Pedal Commander

مُغيّر اللعبة
سيضفي Pedal Commander حياة جديدة على سيارتك Saab

قم بتمديد عمر سيارتك Saab واحصل على تسارع أسرع! قم بترقية أداء سيارتك Saab بأفضل ترقية متوفرة لها في السوق، Pedal Commander.

world's greatest throttle response controller image
pedal commander device image
pedal commander device and weels image

استخدم سيارتك Saab مع Pedal Commander لمضاعفة المتعة

Saab is one of the automobile industry’s best-kept secrets. The Swedish marque was always ahead of its time. Saab was amongst the first to use turbochargers in cars, and they put their knowledge in aeronautical engineering into good use. These cars are fun, unique, and have the exceptional build quality and comfortable interiors from the early ones to the modern Saabs. However, you probably know all that if you own a Saab. You should also know about Pedal Commander, the best performance upgrade for Saab. Keep reading and find out about the best throttle response controller!

No matter what kind of Saab you have, Pedal Commander is the best way to improve its performance. It is a simple performance upgrade that’ll increase throttle response for faster acceleration and instant power delivery. It doesn’t boost horsepower or torque, it just helps you customize the throttle curve for a better driving experience. Scroll down and select your Saab to learn more! Not entirely convinced yet? Watch this video to see how Saab owners react to the most advanced throttle response controller!