In every build platform, there is anevent. The one event a year that everyone looks forward to and plans for months in advance. If you’re aMitsubishifan, theBuschur Shootoutin Ohio is your place to be. If you like bikes, it’s theSturgis Motorcycle Rallyin South Dakota. If exotics and expensive classics are for you, theConcours d’Elegancein California is your thing. For our customers with Jeeps, they keep referencing how excited they are for one event, theEaster Jeep Safari.
The Easter Jeep Safari (EJS) started in 1967 and has grown exponentially since then. Now coordinated by theRed Rock 4-Wheelers, 38 trails are available to be crawled over during the 9-day event. Attendance numbers are expected to be in thethousandswith people coming from as far away as England.
If you have the opportunity, check out the Easter Jeep Safari Magazine online. Its filled with tons of information forfirst-timers as well as trail-veterans. It will list recommended things to bring, safety concerns to be aware of, as well as suggestions on where to go if you need more information on the event.
We always like to hear how customers love our product, and the different uses they find for it. Within the Jeep community, ourECO modeseems to be a big hit with anyone who likes to hit the road less traveled. In this mode, we slow down the throttle response to give you amuch smoother rideand less touchy gas pedal. While this will help you save on fuel costs, it will also give you the ability toclimb trails and rocks off-roadin a much smoother motion, which puts thePedal Commanderon the “must-have” list for anyone planning to attendEJS.